The American Federation of Teachers at Rowan University calls for nominees for the annual Gary J. Hunter Award for Excellence in Mentoring Rowan University students. We seek to recognize AFT members (faculty, professional staff, coaches and librarians) who go to extraordinary lengths to mentor students. Gary J. Hunter, a professor of history at Rowan for 29 years, exemplified the ideals of mentorship. This award acknowledges the efforts of those who mentor students in that spirit, making sure that while such efforts often go unnoticed, they do not go unappreciated.
The award plus an honorarium will be presented annually to the person whose efforts are judged by the selection committee to epitomize excellence in mentoring. By honoring individuals for their concerns for students, these mentors can serve as models for the entire University. The award winner shall also serve on the following year’s nominations committee.
The recipient of the award will be honored at the University
Awards Ceremony.
Closing date for nominations is February 18, 2025 via email to Late submissions
will not be accepted.
Nomination form can be downloaded below.